Transvestia She wanted to laugh, and yet--there was something compelling about it all.

What had brought the young gentleman to her office was the discovery in the students' handbook of a rule to the effect that all student nurses must wear skirts and not slacks to all classes and of course while actually on floor duty. Since the handbook had been prepared several years before when there had not been a coeducational class, it was the first time the question had ever been raised.

Miss Quinn was sorely tempted. Indeed, the sight of that young person in the blue uniform of a student nurse was tantalizing. She opened the door a crack and peeked back through at the student. Fantastic! She could see him now--that delicate face, that wavy blonde hair--oh, yes, there was no doubt in her mind as to what her answer would be. Just once--after all, she could excuse it as a joke, admittedly not in the best taste, but certainly harmless enough. She re-opened the door and came back to her desk.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. Now, what was it again?"

"Oh--I just asked about this rule about the student nurses wearing skirts." he said.

"Yes. Well,


there's a very good reason for that she lied. "Slacks imply a casual, sloppy approach. Uniforms are for identification--we know a student nurse on sight on the floor, just by the color."

"That applies to the males as well?" he asked.

"I'm afraid," she said, taking a deep breath, "that in this case, it does. It's true that we are theoretically offering a coeducational course, now, but in fact, it hasn't really been put into effect. We have no uniform for the male students, at this time. So--"
